Πέμπτη 7 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Further two men remanded in connection to Engomi shooting

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Two men were remanded on Thursday morning for eight days in connection with the attempted murder outside a nightclub in Engomi on Sunday morning, bringing the remands so far to six.

The two men, 37 and 49, gave themselves in on Tuesday.

According to testimonies given to the police, the two men remanded on Thursday, along with others, had been pressuring the owner of the nightclub on Andreas Demetriou street to take on the security and management of the establishment. At the time of the incident, they were threatening staff they would get fired and be replaced with people chosen by the suspects, testimonies said.

On Tuesday, two more suspects, a 44-year-old man from a village in Larnaca and a 50-year-old man from the Famagusta area, were remanded for eight days.

Two other suspects, 42 and 43, were remanded for eight days after they were arrested on Sunday evening.

Two brothers, aged 30 and 42 from Syria, were injured in the shooting with the former sustaining a serious head injury, while the latter is out of danger.

The one underwent surgery at Nicosia general hospital where his condition was described as critical. Sources at the police said his injuries remain life threatening.

The shooting occurred after 5am and it seems the perpetrator fired three shots.

One shot hit the victim who is serious, the second hit the second victim who was slightly injured and the third shot was in the air.

The investigation remains at a very early stage, officers said. Until Wednesday, they had taken 40 testimonies while they expect to take about 50 more with the help of an interpreter since most people involved are foreigners.

Despite the seven house searches, the pistol used at the incident has not been found yet. Police are also looking into camera footage to identify the suspects.

The six suspects are being investigated on charges of attempted murder, illegal possession of firearms and conspiracy to commit a crime.

The post Further two men remanded in connection to Engomi shooting appeared first on Cyprus Mail.

Read more → https://cyprus-mail.com/2019/11/07/further-two-men-remanded-in-connection-to-engomi-shooting/

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