Κυριακή 24 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Anastasiades leaves for Berlin with high hopes

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President Nicos Anastasiades’ goal as he left for Berlin on Sunday morning is “to resume negotiations the soonest possible”, Government Spokesman Prodromos Prodromou said.

Anastasiades is expected to land in Berlin at around noon for an informal dinner on Monday evening with Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci hosted by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to discuss the next steps with regard to the Cyprus issue.

He believes it is possible to conclude the terms of reference, Prodromou added.

Prodromou reiterated the Greek Cypriot side is in favour of convening an informal conference with the participation of the guarantor powers soon, even this December.

“Depending on what we have in front of us, we hope in Berlin to decide over what the next steps should be and how we continue with a view to resume” settlement talks, he said.

The dinner at Hotel Adlon Kempinski, near Brandenburg Gate, is scheduled to take place at 7.30pm local time. Guterres will host the dinner for the two leaders, it is possible, however, that the negotiators of the two sides will be asked to join them later.

The President is accompanied by Prodromou, Undersecretary to the President Vasilis Palmas, Greek Cypriot chief negotiator Andreas Mavroyiannis, Director of the President’s Diplomatic Office Kyriakos Kouros and Pantelis Pantelides from the diplomatic office.

It is expected that the UN Secretary-General’s special envoy, Jane Holl Lute, will be in Berlin as well.

Guterres will be in Berlin to take part in the 14th UN Internet Governance Forum.

On Friday, German Foreign Ministry spokesman Christofer Burger said the German government was in favour of the resumption of the UN-led process for Cyprus and supported the UN request to host the tripartite meeting.

Burger added that Germany’s role would be restricted to etiquette, security and communication with the local authorities.

The post Anastasiades leaves for Berlin with high hopes appeared first on Cyprus Mail.

Read more → https://cyprus-mail.com/2019/11/24/anastasiades-leaves-for-berlin-with-high-hopes/

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