Δευτέρα 26 Μαρτίου 2018

ICH: Bolton Is A War Criminal With Terrorist Ties, Not Just “Hawkish”

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Trump Names John Bolton, Iran Hawk, Close to Pro-Israel Groups, as National Security Adviser

By Ron Kampeas
March 22, 2018
President Donald Trump named as his national security adviser John Bolton, a hawk who has said military strikes may be inevitable as a means of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
The White House announced Thursday evening that H.R. McMaster was leaving the position and that Bolton would take his place by April 9.
“General McMaster’s leadership of the National Security Council staff has helped my administration accomplish great things to bolster America’s national security,” Trump said in a statement. “He helped develop our America First National Security Strategy, revitalize our alliances in the Middle East, smash ISIS, bring North Korea to the table, and strengthen our nation’s prosperity.” ISIS is one of the bynames for the Islamic State.
Read more at http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49061.htm

The Untold Story of John Bolton’s Campaign for War With Iran

Everyone knows Bolton is a hawk. Less understood is how he labored in secret to drive Washington and Tehran apart.

By Gareth Porter
March 22, 2018
In my reporting on U.S.-Israeli policy, I have tracked numerous episodes in which the United States and/or Israel made moves that seemed to indicate preparations for war against Iran. Each time—in 2007, in 2008, and again in 2011—those moves, presented in corporate media as presaging attacks on Tehran, were actually bluffs aimed at putting pressure on the Iranian government.
But the strong likelihood that Donald Trump will now choose John Bolton as his next national security advisor creates a prospect of war with Iran that is very real. Bolton is no ordinary neoconservative hawk. He has been obsessed for many years with going to war against the Islamic Republic, calling repeatedly for bombing Iran in his regular appearances on Fox News, without the slightest indication that he understands the consequences of such a policy.
Read more at http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49062.htm

Let’s Call Bolton What He Is, A War Criminal With Terrorist Ties, Not Just “Hawkish”

By Juan Cole
March 23, 2018
John Bolton helped lie our country into an illegal war of aggression that killed several hundred thousand Iraqis, wounded over a million, and displaced 4 million from their homes, helped deliver Baghdad into the hands of Iran, and helped create ISIL, which blew up Paris. In a just world, Bolton would be on trial at the Hague for war crimes. Instead, he has been promoted into a position to do to Iran what he did to Iraq.
He is also in the back pocket of the MEK Iranian terrorist organization, which despite its violent and smelly past has proved so useful to those plotting the apocalyptic destruction of Iran that the Washington elite decided to take it off the list of terrorist organizations in 2012.
Read more at http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49063.htm


Source: http://www.defenddemocracy.press/ich-bolton-is-a-war-criminal-with-terrorist-ties-not-just-hawkish/

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