Η Υρώ Λούπη πρωταγωνιστεί στη επιτυχημένη σειρά του Alpha «Έλα στη θέση μου».
Τετάρτη 31 Οκτωβρίου 2018
Υρώ Λούπη: «Αυτούς που αγαπώ τους προστατεύω σαν... νοσοκόμα»
Υρώ Λούπη: «Αυτούς που αγαπώ τους προστατεύω σαν... νοσοκόμα»
Η Υρώ Λούπη πρωταγωνιστεί στη επιτυχημένη σειρά του Alpha «Έλα στη θέση μου».
Τα κορίτσια του «My Style Rocks» βγήκαν για… ποτό!
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Στίβεν Χόκινγκ: υπάρχοντα του «άθεου προφήτη» των φυσικών επιστημών στο σφυρί
Δεν υπάρχει Θεός. Σε αυτό το συμπέρασμα κατέληξε ο Στίβεν Χόκινγκ στο τελευταίο του βιβλίο, που κυκλοφόρησε λίγο καιρό μετά τον θάνατό…
Στίβεν Χόκινγκ: υπάρχοντα του «άθεου προφήτη» των φυσικών επιστημών στο σφυρί
Δεν υπάρχει Θεός. Σε αυτό το συμπέρασμα κατέληξε ο Στίβεν Χόκινγκ στο τελευταίο του βιβλίο, που κυκλοφόρησε λίγο καιρό μετά τον θάνατό…
Διπλωματικό πήγαινε-έλα για επανέναρξη διαπραγματεύσεων
Πράσινο φως στη Λουτ από Γκουτέρες για προετοιμασία της νέας προσπάθεια
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Αννίτα Ναθαναήλ: Επέστρεψε από την Μαδαγασκάρη και βγήκε με τις φίλες της
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Επίτροπος Στυλιανίδης: Η ΕΕ έτοιμη να συνδράμει τα Κ-Μ που θα αντιμετωπίσουν καιρικά προβλήματα
Το σύστημα χαρτογράφησης του Copernicus της Κομισιόν έχει παράσχει δορυφορικούς χάρτες των χωρών που έχουν πληγεί
The post Επίτροπος Στυλιανίδης: Η ΕΕ έτοιμη να συνδράμει τα Κ-Μ που θα αντιμετωπίσουν καιρικά προβλήματα appeared first on Cyprus Times.
Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comΚοσμοσυρροή για τον Βασίλη Δήμα στη Θεσσαλονίκη
Ο Βασίλης Δήμας ξεκίνησε δυναμικά τις εμφανίσεις του στη Θεσσαλονίκη.
ΠτΒ: Επιτακτική ανάγκη διακρίβωσης της τύχης όλων των αγνοουμένω
Σε χαιρετισμό του στην εκδήλωση μνήμης, τιμής και αγώνα για τους αγνοουμένους
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Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comΝίκος Γκάλης: Ο αθλητισμός ενώνει τους ανθρώπους και τα έθνη

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Ημέρα της Σκοτεινής Ύλης: «Γιορτάζει» ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα μυστήρια του Σύμπαντος
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Συνάντηση Προεδρικού Επιτρόπου με τους Βρετανούς βουλευτές της APPG για την Κύπρο
Τους ενημερώσει για τις συναντήσεις του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας με τον Μουσταφά Ακιντζί
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Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comΤο… “βιολί” τους στην Τουρκία! «Το τεμάχιο 7 ειναι μέσα στην υφαλοκρηπίδα μας»
Απειλές από Τσελίκ ότι αν χρειαστεί θα απαντήσουν οι τουρκικές ένοπλες δυνάμεις
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Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comΚοτόπουλο κοκκινιστό με πατάτες τηγανιτές
#tsoulotip: Σε περίπτωση που η σάλτσα μας είναι πολύ πηχτή,ρίχνουμε λίγο νερό.
Επιχειρείται λύση πριν τα Χριστούγεννα στο πρόβλημα των εγκλωβισμένων αγοραστών ακίνητης περιουσία
Ο ρόλος των τραπεζών και το casus beli του Α. Νεοφύτου
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Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comChristmas present promise for trapped property owners

Parties on Wednesday said they intend to resolve the title deeds mess by Christmas, as ruling Disy chief Averof Neophytou warned banks not to go back on a pledge they had given in July or he will come down on them hard.
Back in July, banks pledged not to raise objections to a disputed law in return for the approval of bills making it easier for banks to foreclose on property owners in arrears on their mortgages.
The 2015 law aimed at helping around 70,000 owners who had paid for their properties in full but had not been issued with their title deeds because the developers had mortgages on the properties.
Since developers’ land and buildings are counted as assets that need to be offset against their debt to banks, this gave banks a claim on properties that had been mortgaged by developers.
The law, however, appears to be unconstitutional, although it has not yet been judged by the supreme court.
Opposition parties said Wednesday they had prepared a law proposal that essentially included the same provisions as the 2015 law but overcame unconstitutional issues.
During discussion of the matter before the House legal affairs committee, Neophytou reiterated he would come down hard on the banks if they went back on their pledge.
“This was the clear understanding we had,” he said, stressing, however, that they were not prepared to support cases where it was clear there had been collusion between the buyer and the seller.
Akel MP Aristos Damianou said the bill they prepared covered the issues raised in the courts.
“The philosophy of our proposals is adopted by the land registry and it considers them to be in the right direction,” Damianou said.
He suggested however, that certain quarters would try to delay the effort so they proposed the creation of a sub committee that will seek to resolve any issues with the state Legal Service so as to have a final proposal by November 28.
Diko MP Christiana Erotokritou said three years on, the government was ignoring the thousands of trapped buyers, continuously bringing up the excuse that a bill is being processed.
“Our intention is to have the problem resolved by Christmas,” she said.
The 2015 law grants the land registry director the authority to exempt, eliminate, transfer and cancel mortgages and or other encumbrances, depending on the case and under certain conditions, as the state sought to sort out the title deed mess.
However, banks contested the 2015 law and won rulings that it was unconstitutional.
Courts said it violated Article 26 of the constitution, which affords individuals the right to enter freely into any contract.
Banks had said at the time they would view each case separately.
For instance, there were cases where subcontractors who did work for developers were given flats instead of money, which they probably rented afterwards. They then took advantage of the law to secure a title deed.
They also say that in some cases the buyer together with the developer, pre-dated contracts in a bid to get a title, cheating the bank in the process.
These cases do not fall under the pledge and will certainly be contested.
A banking source suggested the parties were putting on a show because they knew it would be very difficult if not impossible to resolve the constitutional issues.
The source also said the banks had kept their pledge but reiterated that each case would be viewed separately.
In the cases where it was clear that the buyer had been shafted the banks withdrew their lawsuits. In the past two months, some 40 buyers had been freed, the source said.
The post Christmas present promise for trapped property owners appeared first on Cyprus Mail.
Read more → https://cyprus-mail.com/2018/10/31/christmas-present-promise-for-trapped-property-owners/
Four nations take part in Nemesis

Three warships, eight aircraft and three private vessels took part in a large-scale multinational exercise dubbed Nemesis on Wednesday off Cyprus.
Navy and air force search and rescue units participated in various scenarios including counter-terrorism operations on oil/gas platforms, boarding operations on vessels, evacuation and rescue operations, mass rescue operations, as well as anti-pollution operations within the Cypriot FIR.
Two Greek and French navy frigates took part in the exercise, along with one missile and four patrol boats of the Israeli navy, four Cypriot navy vessels, and two marine police patrol boats.
A tanker, two anti-pollution vessels, and a support ship also participated.
Five helicopters from Cyprus, France, and Britain, as well as three aeroplanes from Greece, the US, and Cyprus, were also used.
The post Four nations take part in Nemesis appeared first on Cyprus Mail.
Read more → https://cyprus-mail.com/2018/10/31/four-nations-take-part-in-nemesis/
4 τροφές που δεν γνώριζες πως σου προκαλούν κατάθλιψη
Ή μήπως το είχες παρατηρήσει;
Δυόμισι ώρες διήρκησε η συνάντηση Ακιντζί – Λουτ
Μετά το τέλος δεν έγιναν δηλώσεις
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Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comBoris Johnson to go up in smoke as bonfire night effigy
His political enemies may well like to see him disappear in a puff of smoke and now a small town in England plans to grant them their wish by burning a comic effigy of Boris Johnson as part of their annual bonfire night celebrations.
The flamboyant ex-Foreign Secretary and leading light of the 2016 campaign for Britain to leave the European Union – running shorts, cycle helmet and all – will be torched on Saturday in Edenbridge, Kent.
Dozens of towns and villages in Britain hold firework parties and burn effigies in November of Guy Fawkes, the Roman Catholic plotter who tried to blow up parliament in 1605.
Several have started to burn celebrity effigies in recent years: past Edenbridge victims have included Donald Trump and former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
“Boris Johnson has been near the top of the list for the last few years running,” said Laura Lawrence of the Edenbridge Bonfire Society.
“He does have a tendency to put his foot in it and I think perhaps this year he might have put his foot in it one too many times and that’s why he’s been chosen as our celebrity effigy for 2018.”
The 11-metre (36-feet) high effigy took artist Andrea Deans six days to make. He wears a “90” rosette to mark the bonfire society’s 90th anniversary and is portrayed as having his EU cake and eating it.
“I wanted him to come across scruffy because that’s what he appears most of the time, wearing his suit and a helmet at the same time and you can see him running in really peculiar shorts, that’s why we put those on,” she told Reuters.
“Because he appears like that sort of character and also I think, Boris being Boris, he’ll probably see the funny side of it and I’m hoping that he will even come along on Saturday and maybe bring a cake.”
Read more → https://in-cyprus.com/news/international/boris-johnson-to-go-up-in-smoke-as-bonfire-night-effigy/
Οζερσάι: Κανείς δε θα εμποδίσει τη γεώτρηση της Τουρκίας με δικαιολογία το Κυπριακό
«Το σημαντικό βήμα θα γίνει όταν ξεκινήσουν οι γεωτρήσεις γύρω από την "ΤΔΒΚ”»
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Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comΜοναδικά πλάνα από ελληνικά Apache στην 1η ελληνοκυπριακή άσκηση
31.10.2018 09:11 SigmaLive Νέες φωτογραφίες από την πρώτη ελληνοκυπριακή άσκηση δημοσιεύει η Κυπριακή Πολεμική Αεροπορία. Στο πλαίσιο της στρατιωτικής συνεργασίας Κύπρου – Ελλάδας πραγματοποιήθηκε άσκηση συνεργασίας επίγειων και εναέριων μέσων, στις 26 Οκτωβρίου 2018 στο ΠΒ Καλού Χωριού. Η συνεκπαίδευση...
Ποιοί θα νικήσουν στη Μεσόγειο; Η Τουρκία και ο “Πορθητής” ή η Αμερική και η Exxon Mobil
31/10/2018 Του ΜΙΧΑΛΗ ΙΓΝΑΤΙΟΥ Χθες, συνεδρίασε στην έδρα των Ηνωμένων Εθνών, το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας, για να λάβει αποφάσεις που αφορούσαν το Κυπριακό, ένα από τα πιό σημαντικά εθνικά μας θέματα. Κάποιοι θα μου πείτε και ποιόν ενδιαφέρει στην Ελλάδα η...
Private doctors say no more Gesy talks until demands are met

The medical association (CyMA) announced on Wednesday all talks with the government were at an end until private doctors receive an official response to their set of demands for participating in the National Health Scheme (Gesy).
The head of CyMA Petros Agathangelou said meeting all of their demands were a prerequisite for private doctors to participate in Gesy.
Speaking after delivering their memo to Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou, he said their next steps would depend on the response of the Health Insurance Organisation (HIO).
Ioannou had announced earlier in the week that he would act as mediator between the CyMA and the HIO, the government body discussing the pay of private doctors under Gesy.
After their meeting with the minister, Agathangelou said that CyMA would not be holding consultations with anyone for the time being.
He added that their next move would depend on the official response from the HIO to their demands.
He reiterated that the doctors’ aim was “a viable and qualitatively upgraded Gesy, so that Cypriot citizens truly enjoy upgraded health services”.
The health minister made no statements after the meeting.
But HIO officials insist that the doctors’ demands make no sense.
Director general of the HIO, Athos Tsinontides, told state broadcaster CyBC on Wednesday that he was not convinced their conditions would make Gesy more functional and viable.
One demand is that private doctors within Gesy should be free to practise outside the system, but Tsinontides said CyMA needed to explain exactly what they mean by this.
“We need further explanations, what do they mean operate under the Gesy but be able to also do private practice, and when will they be able to do this, and why should they since they will be compensated by the state for every beneficiary for any medical act?” Tsinontides asked.
On another demand, the raising of the Gesy budget, he said that the amount estimated by the government was meant to ensure the viability of the health scheme.
“I cannot exactly understand what CyMA wants,” he said.
The resolution, agreed by members of CyMA at a general meeting last Saturday, lists three other conditions under which private doctors would take part in the Gesy.
It called for full administrative and financial autonomy of state hospitals before Gesy is implemented and a guaranteed unit price for specialist doctors involved in outpatient care in addition to inpatient fees per medical procedure.
The doctors are also asking for a clear explanation and written, legal guarantees which cover the terms under which both private and state doctors take part in Gesy.
Ioannou said on Monday that these conditions cannot be satisfied as a whole. He said that satisfying these demands would mean changing the philosophy of the Gesy as it has been unanimously passed last year by the House plenum.
CyMA’s proposals are very similar to those on documents leaked to the media some two weeks ago, calling on the private health sector to boycott Gesy to force the government to satisfy their demands.
Tension between CyMA and the HIO had been brewing for a while but escalated after the latter made public last week estimated remuneration for private sector general physicians and specialists under the Gesy to help them decide whether they would like to join. CyMA said that that was an attempt by the HIO to divide doctors ahead of last Saturday’s general assembly and that the figures presented in the estimations did not add up.
The HIO had said in response that it made these documents public after realising the private medical world – contrary to what has been agreed between the two sides – had not been informed by CyMA of these figures. It also said that the figures were based on actuarial studies and official data.
The latest developments have angered patients’ associations. Representatives of the Social Alliance for the Implementation of the Gesy, consisting of patients’ and consumers’ associations, and left-wing and right-wing trade unions, were to meet on Wednesday afternoon to decide on a course of action.
The post Private doctors say no more Gesy talks until demands are met appeared first on Cyprus Mail.
Read more → https://cyprus-mail.com/2018/10/31/private-doctors-say-no-more-gesy-talks-until-demands-are-met/
Παίρνει τα πάνω της η πρωινή ζώνη του Open
Μια εβδομάδα συμπληρώνει στον «αέρα» το Open και φαίνεται ότι οι τηλεθεατές που αρχίζουν να γνωρίζουν τα προγράμματα του νέου σταθμού, τα εμπιστεύονται για…
Τουρκία: Η γεώτρηση αλλάζει το παιχνίδι στην Αν. Μεσόγειο
31/10/2018 Σήμερα ξεκίνησε η γεώτρηση στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο, δήλωσε ο πρόεδρος της εταιρείας ΤΡΑΟ Μελίχ Χαν Μπιλγκίν λέγοντας ότι με την κίνηση αυτή αλλάζει το παιχνίδι για την Τουρκία στο θέμα των θαλάσσιων ερευνών. Αποκάλυψε μάλιστα ότι η Τουρκία κάνει...
Τουρκία: Η γεώτρηση αλλάζει το παιχνίδι στην Αν. Μεσόγειο
31/10/2018 Σήμερα ξεκίνησε η γεώτρηση στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο, δήλωσε ο πρόεδρος της εταιρείας ΤΡΑΟ Μελίχ Χαν Μπιλγκίν λέγοντας ότι με την κίνηση αυτή αλλάζει το παιχνίδι για την Τουρκία στο θέμα των θαλάσσιων ερευνών. Αποκάλυψε μάλιστα ότι η Τουρκία κάνει...
Ανέλαβε και επίσημα τα καθήκοντά του στο ΚΕΕ ο Τατάρ
Επιδιώκει μονοκομματική «κυβέρνηση»
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Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comWinter offers at Cyprus hotels to promote domestic tourism
The Cyprus Hotels Association on Wednesday unveiled its new winter package for Cyprus permanent residents as it seeks to boost domestic tourism.
In an announcement, it said that hotels were offering ‘extremely attractive’ prices at 69 hotels, organised tourist apartments and tourist villages.
The offers are available from November 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019. As examples it said that in November there are special offers from €15.00 per person in a studio (for a stay for two people) and from €20.00 per person in a double room in a hotel (for a stay for two people).
The Cyprus Hotels Association said it had made concerted efforts to persuade its members to remain open in the winter, or at least for part of it, so as to extend the tourist season, provided their finances so permit, it added.
The catalogue will be available on line from November 1 on the websites of the Cyprus Hotels Association, the CTO and the Bank of Cyprus.
www.cyprushotelassociation.org, www.visitcyprus.com, www.visitcyprus.biz, and https://www.bankofcyprus.com/.
Read more → https://in-cyprus.com/news/local/winter-offers-at-cyprus-hotels-to-promote-domestic-tourism/
Παππά - Μιχαήλ: «Ακόμη και σ’ εμάς προκαλεί έκπληξη το σενάριο»
Η Δανάη Παππά και ο Στέφανος Μιχαήλ, οι πρωταγωνιστές του «Τατουάζ» μίλησαν για την έκπληξη που τους προκαλεί το σενάριο κάθε φορά που το…
Πρόεδρος ΤΡΑΟ: Η γεώτρηση αλλάζει το παιχνίδι στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο
Σήμερα ξεκίνησε τη γεώτρηση της η Τουρκία
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Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comMy style rocks: Ο εκνευρισμός της Μαγγίρα με την Μπάση: «Δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί θίγεσαι»
Δεν ικανοποίησε και πολύ τους κριτές η σημερινή εμφάνιση της Εύας Μπάση στο My Style Rocks 2.
Police seize drugs, arrest suspect during large operation in Limassol

Police said Wednesday it has found a large quantity of cannabis in a warehouse in Limassol during a largescale operation.
It said it has arrested a 54-year-old suspect.
The operation was ongoing, police said on Twitter, without providing more details
The post Police seize drugs, arrest suspect during large operation in Limassol appeared first on Cyprus Mail.
Read more → https://cyprus-mail.com/2018/10/31/police-seize-drugs-arrest-suspect-during-large-operation-in-limassol/
Στη Ρουμανία ο Γενικός Διευθυντής του ΥΠΕΞ
Θα παρακαθίσει αύριο σε πολιτικές διαβουλεύσεις με τον Ρουμάνο Υφυπουργό Εξωτερικών
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Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comConstitution doesn’t cover birthright citizenship, says Trump
President Donald Trump said on Wednesday the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee the right to citizenship to everyone born in the country and he would continue his push to end it, bringing his tough line on immigration to the fore as the country heads into next week’s congressional elections.
“So-called Birthright Citizenship, which costs our Country billions of dollars and is very unfair to our citizens, will be ended one way or the other. It is not covered by the 14th Amendment because of the words ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof.’ Many legal scholars agree…..” Trump wrote in a Twitter post.
The 14th Amendment, added after the U.S. Civil War, grants citizenship to anyone born on U.S. soil and was intended to give constitutional protections to former slaves. But Republicans such as Trump say it creates an incentive for people to come to the country illegally to have children.
The lawyer husband of one of Trump’s top advisers, Kellyanne Conway, wrote in an opinion piece on Wednesday that such a move to end birthright citizenship would be unconstitutional.
“Sometimes the Constitution’s text is plain as day and bars what politicians seek to do. That’s the case with President Trump’s proposal to end “birthright citizenship” through an executive order,” George Conway wrote.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in an interview with Fox News on Wednesday there was “more than just one piece of the puzzle” on immigration.
“The president wants to see a total reform take place. We have massive loopholes in our immigration system that we have to close or we’re just going to continue kicking the can down the road,” she added.
Read more → https://in-cyprus.com/news/international/constitution-doesnt-cover-birthright-citizenship-says-trump/
Εντυπωσιακό! O «Iron Man» της Ινδίας - Αποκαλυπτήρια για το ψηλότερο άγαλμα στον κόσμο (pics)
Το κόστος κατασκευής ξεπέρασε τα 400 εκατομμύρια δολάρια
Fire dept lacks equipment to deal with high-rise accidents

The fire department does not yet have the right equipment to deal with incidents on the higher storeys of Limassol’s high-rises, but Tuesday’s labour accident could have been easily resolved if the construction company had followed government safety regulations, the fire department said on Wednesday.
A 52-year-old construction worker on Limassol One high-rise on the Limassol coast road fell on Tuesday from a scaffolding 65 metres above ground level when he lost his balance and fell 1.5 metres to the floor below.
Though the worker suffered back injury, reports say he is out of danger.
Fire department spokesperson Andreas Kettis told Cybc on Wednesday that “the fire department’s intervention at such a height was impossible.”
The incident has revealed gaps in the fire service’s ability to effectively respond to incidents which occur on the higher floors of Limassol’s new tower buildings.
Initially, the fire department attempted to retrieve the injured worker through the use of hoisting equipment, which currently only reach as high as 30 metres, approximately 10 storeys. When it could not be hoisted high enough to reach the worker who was on the 17th floor, the crane of the private building company was used.
Kettis noted that the specific building plans to have around 30 floors, surpassing a height of 110 metres.
“In an under-construction building,” Kettis stressed, “there are certain terms laid out by the department of labour inspection that were not followed by the construction company, such as the need for a lift for the transfer of materials and persons.”
If the construction company had taken care to install a lift, Kettis said, retrieving the injured worker from that height would have been an easy task.
Instead, efforts to lower the worker to ground level where he could be administered first aid before being taken to the Limassol general hospital took the fire service, the emergency response special unit and the police around two hours.
Kettis said the department is planning to acquire a special hydraulic platform that reaches a height of 60 metres by 2020 to overcome the current inability to deal with incidents in the high-rises that are mushrooming in Limassol and elsewhere.
“The fire department is under consultation with the town planning and housing department to ensure that high-rises are only given construction licences if they provide the necessary space in their perimeter for the installation and hoisting of the hydraulic platform,” he added.
Kettis also said that once the high-rises are constructed, they must undergo a safety inspection by the fire service.
“The fire service has laid out very specific conditions for granting permits to high-rise developments, including strict measures of active and passive fire protection which both reduce the risk of fires occurring and spreading, and ensure the safe evacuation of occupants,” Kettis said.
These include the installation of a permanent water supply of at least 40 tonnes with continuous pressure, water coils on each floor, fire curtains and fire-resistant materials.
The high-rises have been a central point of concern and opposition for a number of local action groups and MPs.
While only two licences have been granted out of the 30 high-rise Limassol seafront applications that are pending authorisation, critics say serious environmental impacts are already noticeable in the sea.
In addition to concerns over the safety of the towers, deputy chairman of the House environmental committee Charalambos Theopemptou said last week that the high-rises are in violation of EU legislation, which requires a strategic environmental impact study.
Only following this study should projects be allowed to go ahead and under specified terms, he said, adding that such an assessment has not been carried out by the government.
The post Fire dept lacks equipment to deal with high-rise accidents appeared first on Cyprus Mail.
Read more → https://cyprus-mail.com/2018/10/31/fire-dept-lacks-equipment-to-deal-with-high-rise-accidents/
My style rocks: Το είδαμε και αυτό! Μίλαγαν αγγλικά και αναγκάστηκαν να βάλουν υπότιτλους!
Έγινε κι αυτό στο My Style Rocks 2!
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#tsoulotip: Μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε 300γρ. αλεύρι και 150γρ. αλεύρι κίτρινο
Police find 50 kilos of cannabis in Limassol warehouse
Limassol police have discovered 50 kilos of cannabis in a warehouse in the Ayios Athanasios industrial estate.
First reports said that there has been one arrest.
More soon
Read more → https://in-cyprus.com/news/local/police-find-50-kilos-of-cannabis-in-limassol-warehouse/
Χαιρετίζουν οδοφράγματα και κάθοδο Λουτ ε/κ και τ/κ κόμματα
Στη σημερινή καθιερωμένη τους συνάντηση στο Λήδρα Πάλας
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Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comDherynia, Apliki checkpoints to open at noon on November 12
Two new checkpoints — one at Dherynia and the other at Lefka/Apliki will open at noon on November 12, the Turkish Cypriot media reported on Wednesday.
It said that neither President Nicos Anastasiades nor Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akini would attend the opening, as agreed at their meeting last week.
Meanwhile, speaking to Kypris, the president of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce Turgut Deniz said that another checkpoint must be opened for vehicles near Famagusta Gate in Nicosia in order to ease traffic congestion at the Ayios Dhometios checkpoint and breathe life into the Famagusta Gate area.
And Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Industry wants to see a checkpoint opening at Mia Milia to help commercial and economic ties between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, Kibris added.
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Anastasiades, Akinci agree on opening of two checkpoints on November 12
Read more → https://in-cyprus.com/news/local/dherynia-apliki-checkpoints-to-open-at-noon-on-november-12/
GNTM: Έξαλλος ο Σκουλός στο επόμενο επεισόδιο- Η γυμνή φωτογράφιση, τα νεύρα και τα κλάματα
Ένα ακόμη επεισόδιο γεμάτο ένταση στο GNTM.
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Μια κούκλα!
Ερντογάν: Η Τουρκία δημιουργεί αντιαεροπορικό πυραυλικό σύστημα μεγάλου βεληνεκούς
Η Τουρκία ξεκίνησε τις εργασίες για να κατασκευάσει το πρώτο εγχώριας παραγωγής αντιαεροπορικό πυραυλικό σύστημα μεγάλου βεληνεκούς και η πρώτη…
Άρχισε στα κατεχόμενα η συνάντηση Ακιντζί – Λουτ
Νωρίτερα είχε συναντηθεί με τον Πρόεδρο Αναστασιάδη
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Διαβάστε περισσότερα → cyprustimes.comDefence Minister: Aim is to continue the Republic’s energy programme
The aim of the Ministry of Defence, in cooperation with the country’s services, is to proceed with the energy programme of the Republic of Cyprus, without any hindrance, Minister of Defence Savvas Angelides said on Wednesday.
Speaking in Larnaca during the “Nemesis 2018” multinational exercise, which is being carried out in the Republic’s exclusive economic zone, Angelides said that the aeronautical forces of Cyprus and other countries are participating in the manoeuvres, as well as private companies.
“The aim of the exercise is to develop effective cooperation and coordination between these groups, in order to address dangers either on commercial ships and platforms, with scenarios that have to do with tackling terrorism, or accidents with mass rescues and sea pollution,” he explained.
Asked about this exercise, which is being carried out for the fifth consecutive year, Angelides said that “these recurring manoeuvres have essentially established us as a country that can offer the experience” and that there are other countries “interested in acquiring this experience to address the dangers.”
He also said that Cyprus’ aim was to develop relations with neighbouring countries with the purpose of strengthening security in the region, which in turn led to growth.
Commenting on the presence of Turkish “Barbaros” ship in Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone and the significant presence of naval forces belonging to large countries, Angelides said everything was running smoothly and that “we are working collectively with all the services of the Republic of Cyprus so that the Republic’s energy programme proceeds without hindrance.”
Commander of the Search and Rescue Coordination Centre, Commodore Constantinos Fytiris, said “Nemesis” was being conducted for the fifth consecutive year and that every year participations increase.
Fytiris said Cyprus, Greece and France always participate in the exercise, and that this year the United States, Great Britain and Israel are participating, while Egypt, Italy and Jordan have sent observers.
(Cyprus News Agency)
Read more
Large-scale multinational military exercise conducted in Cyprus (video+pictures)
Read more → https://in-cyprus.com/news/local/defence-minister-aim-is-to-continue-the-republics-energy-programme/
Istanbul prosecutor says Khashoggi was suffocated
Istanbul’s chief prosecutor’s office said on Wednesday journalist Jamal Khashoggi was suffocated as soon as he entered Saudi Arabia’s consulate on Oct. 2 in a pre-planned killing, and his body was then dismembered and disposed of.
It also said in a statement that no concrete results were reached in chief prosecutor Irfan Fidan’s talks in Istanbul this week with Saudi public prosecutor Saud al-Mojeb.
Read more → https://in-cyprus.com/news/international/istanbul-prosecutor-says-khashoggi-was-suffocated/
Russia opens terrorism investigation after teenager blows himself up
Russia opened an investigation into suspected terrorism after a 17-year-old youth blew himself up on Wednesday in the lobby of an office belonging to Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) in the north of the country.
Russia’s Investigative Committee said the unnamed teenager had detonated a homemade bomb in the lobby of the FSB, the country’s main domestic security and intelligence service, in the city of Arkhangelsk. It said he had died on the spot.
Investigators said they had identified the teenager as a resident of the city, which is around 1,000 km (620 miles) north of Moscow, but did not name him.
Three FSB employees were wounded in the blast, the Investigative Committee said in a statement.
It published what it said was a CCTV image of the bomber in the lobby of the building. The picture showed a young man with his right hand inside a bag that he was holding with his left hand.
Russia’s Anti-Terrorist Committee said the teenager had removed the bomb from his bag which had then gone off in his hands shortly afterwards, fatally injuring him.
Violent attacks on the police and FSB occur regularly in Russia’s volatile North Caucasus region but are rare outside it.
Pictures posted on social media by witnesses after the blast showed what looked like a body lying on the floor outside the FSB building’s heavy wooden entrance doors.
A spokeswoman for the Investigative Committee said the investigation would be handled by Moscow and that Russia’s top investigator, Alexander Bastrykin, wanted the teenager’s motive and other details to be established as soon as possible.
Svetlana Petrenko, the spokeswoman, said the bomber’s flat was being searched and that his friends and close relatives were being questioned. She said checks would also be carried out to establish whether he was a member of any banned militant group.
Russian media had earlier published an unconfirmed warning posted on social media before the blast by someone purporting to be the bomber. The individual described himself as a communist anarchist and said he had decided to act because he said the FSB was fabricating cases and torturing people.
Earlier this month, an 18-year-old student killed at least 19 people and injured dozens at a college in the Black Sea region of Crimea. He went through the building randomly shooting at fellow pupils before killing himself.
Read more → https://in-cyprus.com/news/international/russia-opens-terrorism-investigation-after-teenager-blows-himself-up/
Long-cherished award for sailor Kontides

Cypriot sailor Pavlos Kontides has been named Rolex World Sailor of the Year 2018 as the stars of sailing were recognised at the 2018 World Sailing Awards in Florida, USA.
“There are lot of great legends in our sport on that trophy. Since I was 14, I’ve been dreaming of winning that award,” said Kontides, speaking after receiving the award.
“I used to write it on lots of pieces of paper that it’s what I wanted. Maybe it sounded a bit too far away, maybe it was too big of a dream, but here I am today.”
The Laser sailor won his first World Championship title in Croatia in 2017 and made it a double less than a year later in Denmark.
Kontides became the first Cypriot athlete ever to win an Olympic medal after taking second place in the London Olympics in 2012.
“I managed to achieve this from a really small island in the middle of the Mediterranean, so I hope this achievement will inspire a lot of other young sailors to prove you should dream big and not be too scared to chase it.”
Kontides also competed in the 2016 Olympics in which he placed seventh and the 2008 Olympics obtaining the 13th place. In the same year, he won gold at the World Junior Championships and in 2009 he won two silver medals in World Cups and a bronze in the European Men’s Championship.
The post Long-cherished award for sailor Kontides appeared first on Cyprus Mail.
Read more → https://cyprus-mail.com/2018/10/31/long-cherished-award-for-sailor-kontides/
Έλλη Στάη: Επιστρέφει κανονικά στο δελτίο ειδήσεων!
Έκανε κανονικά την πρεμιέρα της στο Open tv, ωστόσο μια ίωση την κράτησε μακριά από την παρουσίαση του κεντρικού δελτίου ειδήσεων.
Έλλη Στάη: Επιστρέφει κανονικά στο δελτίο ειδήσεων!
Έκανε κανονικά την πρεμιέρα της στο Open tv, ωστόσο μια ίωση την κράτησε μακριά από την παρουσίαση του κεντρικού δελτίου ειδήσεων.
Λαχταριστή σοκολατένια μους χωρίς αυγά (vid)
Αυτή η σοκολατένια μους είναι λίγο διαφορετική.
Paphos promoting ‘smart city’ package

The French ambassador to Cyprus met with the mayor of Paphos on Wednesday and discussed the town’s efforts to transform itself into a ‘smart’ city.
The ambassador, Rene Troccaz, met with Phedonas Phedonos at Paphos town hall.
“This is the second time they have met each other and the ambassador was particularly interested in our efforts to establish Paphos as smart city,” a municipality spokesman told the Cyprus Mail.
The ‘smart’ city package covers advanced digital services such as the creation of a digital platform, applications to support visitors and visibility of culture, tourism and entrepreneurship, the development of e-government applications and the supply and installation of Wi-Fi hotspots and touch screens, he said.
Troccaz asked Phedonos for details about the municipality’s plans in this field and other issues concerning the further development of relations was discussed .
The ambassador was informed that two Paphos projects were given the green light last year which officials welcomed as a move towards establishing Paphos as a smart city.
They were submitted under the INTERREG V-A Cross-Border Cooperation Programme: Greece-Cyprus 2014-2020.
The first project sees the town in the role of lead partner, with the co-operation of twinned municipalities of Chania and Lesbos. The co-financing programme provides for city-based applications and infrastructures.
“The study for this is already underway and it includes a business plan for the smart city actions, a strategic plan including: city marketing, city branding and others,” the spokesman said.
He noted that the ‘kick- off’ meeting for the second project, ‘ECORouTS’, will take place next month.
“We were informed today (Wednesday) that the meeting will take place in Heraklion on November 12, and the project will get underway soon after.”
ECOURouTs aims to reduce carbon emissions from urban transport and the municipality of Paphos will supply at least one electric bus for passengers, the installation of a charging station, development of a telematics system and green path development, he said.
For this project, Paphos is a partner (not a lead partner) and the municipalities of Heraklion, Chania and Aradippou are also involved.
The post Paphos promoting ‘smart city’ package appeared first on Cyprus Mail.
Read more → https://cyprus-mail.com/2018/10/31/paphos-promoting-smart-city-package/
Βαθιά θλίψη ΠτΔ για το θάνατο του πρώην Υπουργού Εμπορίου Μιχαλάκη Μιχαηλίδη
Συλλυπητήριο μήνυμα προς τους οικείους του
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