Δευτέρα 18 Ιουνίου 2018

Ready to restart negotiations at any time says Photiou

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The Greek Cypriot side is ready to restart negotiations on the Cyprus problem based on the parametres outlines by the United Nations Secrtary General to create a normal state without guarantees and intervention rights at any time, Humanitarian Affairs Commissioner Photis Photiou said on Sunday.

Speaking at a memorial at the church in Meneou for those who fell in 1974 and who are still missing from Kontea, Photiou said the island cannot go on under today’s “unacceptable situation” of occupation.

He said he hoped “Turkey would co-operate to solve the humanitarian problem of the missing, taking on the huge responsibilities it has. Most families of the missing continue to have no news of their loved ones.

“Time is now the biggest enemy for the missing,” he added. He also warned that Turkey had confirmed its wish to close the matter of the missing.

The greatest honour to those who have died and the missing would be to renew the island under conditions of “freedom, peace and security for all the legal residents of the island,” he said. “And this is the direction the president is working in”.

“We are ready anytime to continue the negotiations where they left off last July,” Photiou continued.

The negotiations in Crans-Montana led to a dead end because of Turkish insistence on unacceptable demands, he said.

Photiou said the country owes it both to those who died and the new generation to have an island free of occupation.

The post Ready to restart negotiations at any time says Photiou appeared first on Cyprus Mail.

Read more → https://cyprus-mail.com/2018/06/17/ready-to-restart-negotiations-at-any-time-says-photiou/

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